lack of ability

美 [læk əv əˈbɪləti]英 [læk ɒv əˈbɪləti]
  • 能力缺乏
lack of abilitylack of ability
  1. In the community participation , they show the characteristics of weak participation awareness and lack of ability .


  2. Autism includes a range of disorders , from the mild Asperger 's syndrome to profound mental retardation and lack of ability to socialize .


  3. Graham was right to condemn his players for lack of ability , attitude and application .


  4. Hard work can often make up for a lack of ability .


  5. Mistakes crack their self-confidence because they attribute errors to a lack of ability , which they feel powerless to change .


  6. In particular , attributing poor performance to a lack of ability depresses motivation more than does the belief that lack of effort is to blame .


  7. Attributing a bad grade to their own lack of ability , those with a fixed mind-set said that they would study less in the future , try never to take that subject again and consider cheating on future tests .


  8. Lack of ability of autonomous learning , especially learning strategy knowledge .


  9. Lack of ability is at the root of his dislike for sports .


  10. It makes the Chinese industry of automobile lack of ability to manufacture in low cost and to create .


  11. The availability misperception occurs due to lack of ability to process all relevant information .


  12. Some people refer all the troubles to bad luck instead of lack of ability .


  13. Because of the lack of ability in continuous improvement and product development , there is a seriously interaction in their development .


  14. First , it shows your lack of ability to cope with a challenging situation and move past it .


  15. The important reason for university students of being hard to finding jobs is lack of ability of hunting for jobs .


  16. The main difficulties the nursing staffs faced when unfolding scientific research are lack of ability to do scientific design and scientific topic selection .


  17. In the competitive learning environment , in order to protect self-worth , students take measures to avoid failure and attribution of showing lack of ability .


  18. Non-government level : the lack of ability to cause NGOs to carry out mutual cooperation with the government is often beyond their abilities .


  19. Because of this with the conservative people and the lack of ability of the officials , Hunan was very slow in starting its economic modernization .


  20. However , the relationships and rules existed in these data cannot be found because of the lack of ability to analyze and integrate data in current library management system .


  21. In the course of English learning , Chinese students frequently misuse the register of language due to their lack of ability to identify different styles of English .


  22. The negative impact of internet public opinion on social public safety , stability and harmony of country , largely because of the lack of ability to deal with .


  23. However , it is not applicable for particular applications requiring standardized conditions such as drug screening because it lack of ability to replicate stably .


  24. They are in the greatest lack of ability to protect themselves when social relation relys on law day by day which is one of means to control the society .


  25. Households at low level of sustainable development were weak in acquiring energy , information , material supply , and were lack of ability to respond environmental hazards efficiently .


  26. Why do I always try to cover my small accomplishments under blankets of words that make light of my work or excuses for my lack of ability ?


  27. Recently , a phenomenon has been increasingly observed where the sound business development of banking institutions is impeded by their lack of ability to identify and control operational risk .


  28. For lack of ability of reclamation or for failure to meet the required reclamation , land reclamation fees shall be paid , for use in land reclamation .


  29. The system based on PID control theory has characteristics of fast response speed and higher peak overshoot , and it also has a good performance of tracking , but it is lack of ability of disturbance rejection .


  30. Nowadays students have sensed the different discordant pressures , such as value conflict , gap between reality and ideal , sense of being deprived and the lack of ability to deal with crisis .
